Assisting Your Loved Ones in Sustaining Financial Independence When They Need It Most

Do you have an elderly family member grappling with day-to-day financial tasks like paying bills or balancing a checkbook? Are concerns about potential financial exploitation by predators weighing on you in relation to your elderly parents?

If your answer is yes, we're here to provide support.

As experts in elder care accounting services, we extend financial assistance and guidance to seniors who may require help in managing their finances, whether it involves preserving wealth through asset management or ensuring timely payment of household bills.

Financial Support Services Tailored for Aging Seniors

Juggling the responsibilities of one's own family, geographical distance, or a lack of specialized knowledge often hinder adult children from providing effective assistance. Even if you have the capacity to handle your elderly parent's day-to-day finances, collaborating with a compassionate, trustworthy, and knowledgeable accounting firm like ours ensures that you have an advocate looking out for your loved one's best interests while keeping you informed every step of the way.

Engaging with an accounting firm specializing in elder care accounting services offers the assurance that your elderly family member's needs are being addressed.

Here's what we do for you:

  • Income tax preparation
  • Household budgeting, including unforeseen expenses like home repairs or emergency medical costs
  • Monitoring investment, bank, and other financial accounts
  • Managing and reviewing day-to-day finances
  • Tracking income and expenses to maintain adequate cash flow
  • Preparing financial statements and conducting reviews for accuracy and fraud prevention
  • Evaluating financing options for healthcare
  • Inventorying personal assets and investments

We're On Your Side

Our commitment is to assist your elderly family members in upholding their independence and financial freedom.

For more information about our elder care accounting services or to schedule a consultation with an elder care accounting specialist, please reach out to us.


"With Peters Bandura, LLC, each client receives close personal and professional attention."

Please call us today at (205) 547-0762.

We understand that dealing with tax issues can be a source of stress, and we're here to assist you in resolving them. Kindly complete the form below to share details on your situation and let us know how we can be of service. We're pleased to provide you with a complimentary consultation to better understand your needs and find the most effective ways to assist you.